martes, 31 de mayo de 2016


Is something very important
A christian has to obey whitout any questions… and doesn`t makes complains
Stand up, stand up, stand up
You have to be really carefull
You can`t face problems if you don`t know how to use it
Will be situations that will try to discourage you
Discourage makes you see things different
Make it strong knowing that God will never leave you
A good spirit leads to perseverance

Use the attitude Jesus had as an example
Take you decisions  based on The Bible and not on discouragement
In the middle of sadness, discouragement makes you twist the truth
You can`t do anything about the past
There are persons that still remember what happened 20 years ago… and still they feel pain
Discouragment is an life style that blocks blessing and victory on our lives; plus confusion and destrution

The mind that goes from one place to another is a circumstances, sentiments and wrong concepts`s victim
Doubts are borned of very deep-rooted concepts
Agains ups and downs you have to make proclamations of faith
Don`t allow tiredness stays too long
Have an image of you, reaching the goal
Instead of shelter on critic, shelter on faith
Form an intrepid, patient and unbreakable character

The fight makes your spirit stronger, but when the character was flaws, it makes it discouraged and depressed
A christian is in escence a fighter… and a though one
You are disarmed when they make you believe that everything is in vain
The 2 personalities that live inside an inconstant make him go one day in one direction and the next on other
A renewed mind is always fighting against incredulity
If you wrong mental patrons, you will beg for faith but it will never come
Is necessary that the Word become an intrinsic part of you
Be firm on the Word of God
An insecure person is not trusty
If you are on a road that God put you in, believe on what you are doing

A video about it

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