jueves, 23 de junio de 2016


Orar y confesar La Palabra
Ore usando La Palabra de Dios
Hay una resistencia que usted debe vencer
Use las promesas de Dios para motivarse
Con la oración se desata la voluntad de Dios en la tierra
Ore con entendimiento
Conozca primero cual es la voluntad de Dios
La oración le ayuda a caminar en la voluntad de Dios

La mente de Dios está en La Biblia
La fe se manifuiesta mediante las palabras
Los oidos de Dios están atentos a las oraciones de los justos
Las oraciones de los justos pueden mucho
Ore sin cesar
Dios no hace acepción de personas
Clamar trae liberación de nuestros enemigos
Dios se deleita en la oración de los justos
Atar significa obstaculizar o detener

Las llaves significan autoridad
Jesús vino a destruir las obras del diablo
A usted se le da autoridad
Muchos creyentes sufren innecesariamente porque no logran ejercer su autoridad
Aborrezca todo camino de mentira
Para ver cambios en el país y en su iglesia, use la oración
La palabra de Dios es como un martillo que rompe la piedra en pedazos
Satanás fue derrotado
Tiene autoridad para hacer crecer el reino de Cristo sobre las naciones

miércoles, 8 de junio de 2016


It`s something on what you have to fight against, if you remain still it will swallow you
Replace it with words from The Bible and songs
Sadness can be so big that you can`t enjoy life
Fears are gone with faith
Discouragement is a serious issue
What you do under its influence always is a mistake
If you don`t push it, it will remain

Don`t curse or insult God
Trust on God despite what happened
There is life after depression
You can`t get victory when sin is something that remais
The true guilt is you


Affects life
One thought can produce too much hopelessness
It interferes with the communion with God
Makes you abandon your faith on God
Affects too much on this epoc
On churches is needed people who talk and teach how to treat this issue
People need to be taught how to deal with problems
Attack to someone depressed that have sinned, will leave him very bad
People need to grow and mature

Discouragement is always near
It leads to suicide
Christianism is so difficult that requieres bravery
The road is so hard and difficult, that people faint or abandon
See God always beside you
It’s a fixed idea that takes everything around us
Makes you lose all your emotional, spiritual and physic faculties
The blockade impede you act according to God`s principles
It`s a strategy very used by ours spiritual enemies

It makes that people don`t work for God anymore
The purpose that God has called us, it`s not fulfilled
You are like a battery… you need to be recharged
Discouragement is a profound and dark tunnel, but it has an exit
Leads you to isolation
Many stop going to church
“God doesn`t take me into account”
“Why God allows this situation”
“I am passing throught something very difficult and no body cares”

It makes critic and gossip come out, specially against God
Makes you don`t feel God`s presence on your life
God`s word then lacks of force and it`s despised
You don`t get it, you don`t know whats going on

A loss of failure make it appears

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